How much water should you drink? Try this trick to drink more

Drinking enough water every day is easier said than done, but when we drink the right amount of water, our body will benefit, such as increased concentration, more energy, natural weight loss and better digestion. Staying hydrated helps immune health, improves our daily exercise performance, and improves our physical and mental feelings. On the other hand, drinking less than our needs will destroy all these things.
To help you stay hydrated throughout the day, try the simple technique of infusing fruits and herbs into the water for a better taste and the added benefit of absorbing vitamins and minerals. Here, we give an accurate overview of how much water you should drink in a day, the benefits of keeping hydrated, the most delicious and healthiest combination, and the extraordinary benefits of simply adding lemon or any other citrus to the glass.
Knowing how much water you drink every day depends on your weight and activity level, which seems shocking, because completing a bottle of water can seem like a daunting task. To make sure you drink the right amount of water, Nicole Osinga, a registered dietitian who created the VegStart diet of beets, recommends this simple formula: multiply your weight (in pounds) by two thirds (or 0.67), and you get The number is a few ounces of water a day. This means that if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink 120 ounces of water per day, or approximately 12 to 15 glasses of water per day.
Before you pant, think about it: the closer you are to drinking the optimal amount of water, the healthier you will feel. “Proper hydration is essential to maintaining health at the cellular level. Every cell in the human body depends on water to function properly,” said Dr. Robert Parker, BSc in Washington, DC (Parker Health Solutions) when we When your cells are functioning normally, other cells will follow.
Dehydration can negatively affect your mood and cognitive function. This is especially important for students, athletes or anyone who needs to concentrate or be active at work. Therefore, when you are studying for an exam, it is always beneficial to put a water bottle on your desk and hydrate before and after work or exams. The same is true for athletes who lead an active lifestyle or participate in sports.
In a study of a group of nutritionists comparing age and cognitive function with mild dehydration, it was found that “mild dehydration can lead to changes in many important aspects of children’s cognitive function, such as attention, alertness, and short-term memory. (10-12 years old), young people (18-25 years old) and the oldest adults (50-82 years old). As with physical functions, mild to moderate dehydration can affect short-term memory, perceptual discrimination, arithmetic, etc. Task performance, visual motor tracking and psychomotor skills.”
Many weight loss programs recommend that dieters drink more water for a reason. A study conducted by researchers from the Obesity Association measured the association between absolute and relative increases in drinking water over a 12-month period and weight loss. The data comes from 173 premenopausal overweight women (25-50 years old) who reported drinking water at baseline and then drinking water when trying to lose weight.
After twelve months, the absolute and relative increase in drinking water was “related to a significant reduction in body weight and fat,” and it was concluded that drinking water may promote weight loss in overweight women who are dieting.
According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, our kidneys regulate healthy water balance and blood pressure, remove waste from the body, and drink enough water to support these activities.
“If the kidneys save water and produce stronger urine, it will consume more energy and cause more wear and tear on the tissues. When the kidneys are under stress, especially when the diet contains too much salt, this The situation is especially likely to occur or need to eliminate toxic substances. Therefore, drinking enough water can help protect this vital organ,” the study concluded.
When a person does not drink enough water, they usually feel tired or languid. According to researchers from the US Army Institute of Environmental Medicine, the symptoms of dehydration are mental or physical slowdown, yawning, and even the need for a nap. “Dehydration changes our cardiovascular, thermoregulation, central nervous system, and metabolic functions,” they found. Therefore, when you are doing physical exercise, be sure to drink enough water before, during and after exercise to improve performance and increase energy.
Moisturization has always been associated with cleaner skin, which is why skin care labels advertise cucumber and watermelon as active ingredients because of their high moisture content. A study in the “International Journal of Cosmetic Science” showed that: “Water consumption, especially individuals with low initial water consumption, can improve skin thickness and density through ultrasound examination, offset transdermal water loss, and improve skin hydration. “When you pour these fruits (cucumbers and watermelons) into water, you add more water to the mixture.
Feeling dehydrated can cause headaches and tension, which can make you feel stressed or anxious. In one study, researchers examined the effect of increasing water intake on the symptoms of headache patients. Patients with a history of different types of headaches, including migraine and tension headache, were either assigned to the placebo group or to the increased water group. Those who were instructed to consume an extra 1.5 liters of water per day reported that their pain was reduced. Increasing the amount of water you drink will not affect the number of headache attacks, but it will help reduce the intensity and duration of headaches. The results show that drinking water can help relieve headaches, but the ability to prevent headaches is still unknown. Therefore, drinking plenty of water seems to help relieve pain.
To help you drink the right amount of water every day and get all the health benefits, inject fruits and herbs into a large pot of water to improve the light taste of the water and increase nutrition. Our goal is to infuse a large pot of water, because you want the fruits and herbs to stay longer, similar to marinades, to enhance the flavor of the rich fresh ingredients. For taste, the trick is to mix the sweet, sour and earthy flavors of fruits and herbs to get the perfect balance. For example, mixing rosemary (earth flavor) and grapefruit (sweet, sour) is a delicious combination.
In addition to the taste, adding certain herbs and fruits to the water can also bring various health benefits, whether it is the aroma of the ingredients or the effect on the body after the nutrients are absorbed.
The most effective way to get the health benefits of fruits is to consume them. If you want to reduce waste, you can do it after drinking water. Water itself cannot provide high enough levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals through infusion to have a significant impact on your health, but you can get specific benefits from the scent of certain herbs and the consumption of fruits. Learn how herbs such as peppermint relieve tension, how lavender can help you sleep better, and how rosemary can boost your immunity.
If you want to live a healthier life without doing any major actions, please drink water first, and then eat fruit to get all the health benefits. This is not only a healthier way of tasting, but it is also very simple to make, requiring very little shredding time.

Post time: Jun-22-2021